This case study focuses on addressing complaints regarding echo-related issues in classrooms, meeting rooms, and laboratories. The presence of excessive echo can negatively impact the quality of communication, concentration, and overall learning experience within these spaces. The objective of this case study is to describe the steps taken to test the echo levels, determine the required absorption materials, and suggest the application of SIOPI foam (25mm) on the ceiling as a solution. Subsequently, a post-test was conducted to measure the achieved results.
Background: The educational institution in question had been facing recurring complaints about echo-related problems in various spaces, including classrooms, meeting rooms, and laboratories. Echo is the reflection of sound waves off hard surfaces, leading to sound reverberation and reduced speech intelligibility. This issue hindered effective teaching, learning, and collaboration within these spaces, necessitating a suitable solution.
Challenge: The primary challenge was to mitigate the echo problem within the educational spaces. An assessment of the acoustics revealed that the hard surfaces, such as walls, floors, and ceilings, contributed to the reverberation of sound waves. The solution needed to address these reflective surfaces and introduce sound-absorbing materials to minimize the echo effect.

- Testing: The educational institution enlisted the assistance of an acoustic consultant who utilized imported testing equipment to measure the echo levels within the identified spaces. By conducting thorough tests, the consultant determined the severity of the echo and the areas requiring improvement.
- Calculation of Absorption Material: Based on the test results, the consultant calculated the quantity of absorption materials required to achieve the desired reduction in echo levels. In this case, it was determined that SIOPI foam with a thickness of 25mm would be suitable for ceiling application.
- SIOPI Foam Application: The recommended quantity of SIOPI foam was installed on the ceilings of the affected spaces. SIOPI foam is a specialized sound-absorbing material designed to reduce echo and reverberation by absorbing sound waves.
- Post-Test Evaluation: Once the SIOPI foam was installed, a post-test evaluation was conducted using the same imported testing equipment to measure the final results. This step was crucial to determine the effectiveness of the solution and to ensure that the echo levels had been significantly reduced.
The implementation of the suggested solution yielded significant improvements in the educational spaces. The post-test evaluation revealed a noticeable reduction in echo levels within the classrooms, meeting rooms, and laboratories. The absorption properties of the installed SIOPI foam effectively minimized sound reverberation, resulting in improved speech intelligibility, enhanced communication, and reduced distractions caused by echo.